October 28, 2020
Wear the damn sports bra!
I’ve posted all about body confidence before when looking at rocking a bikini body but after seeing a campaign from an activewear company that I love (Slaywear London) I’ve been inspired to post about body confidence in the Gym, and as the title says, wearing the damn sports bra.
Over the last few years my body confidence has grown and I’ve learnt to love the skin I’m in. As someone on a fat loss journey who, for years was ashamed of my size and especially ashamed of my stretch marks, it has been liberating to find myself in a position now where I just don’t care about people looking at me or judging my fat rolls and stretch marks. These things are a lot more normal that we think so we should embrace them, especially where comfort is involved.
When in the gym a lot of people feel even more self conscious, they feel like they don’t belong next to the Instagram worthy people who are comfortable walking around in the latest gymshark crop and shorts. My message for those people feeling inadequate… You are Amazing! Wear what you want, rock the crop top rock the sports bra, wear the shorts, just wear what you want. Here are two reasons why;
1 – No one is paying attention to what you are wearing
2- Who gives a fuck if they are? Their opinion means nothing to you!
So, wear the damn sports bra. I dare you!